KSI Caught in Scandal After Controversial YouTube Video


April 3, 2023

Successful YouTuber, boxer and Prime owner KSI has apologised for using a racist slur during a recent video made with his group the Sidemen.

He aplogised saying that there was no excuse for using the slur and said he would be making a social media break.

In the video, Sidemen members played a game of Countdown. Given his letters, KSI put together a four-letter derogatory word for someone of Pakistani origin.

ā€œThis is horrifically disappointing from KSI and his crew,ā€ said the teacher and broadcaster Mehreen Baig. ā€œSo many of my students look up to these guys and theyā€™re casually throwing around a word that has consistently been used to bully and attack south Asians. This isnā€™t comedy.

ā€œWhatā€™s worse is that it will be swept under the carpet after minimal outrage because racism against brown people is so normalised.ā€

Less than an hour later, KSI posted on Twitter: ā€œI wanna apologise for saying a racial slur in a recent Sidemen video. Thereā€™s no excuse, no matter the circumstances, I shouldnā€™t have said it and Iā€™m sorry.

ā€œIā€™ve always said to my audience that they shouldnā€™t worship me or put me on a pedestal because Iā€™m human. Iā€™m not perfect, Iā€™m gonna mess up in life, and lately Iā€™ve been messing up a lot. So Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m gonna just take a break from social media for a while.ā€

His Sidemen colleagues could be seen laughing at his jibe in the video, which has since been removed from YouTube, though tweets from the Sidemenā€™s official account promoting it are still live. Some people argue that his platform should be removed from him and that it’s not acceptable and he is getting off light because he is a celebrity. Some say this might impact his brand and business. What do you guys think will happen to KSI?

By Yasmine and Raiessa