Also known as World Music Day, Fete De La Musique is an annual festival that takes place on 21st June, all over France. Although it started in France, the festival has spread worldwide including Berlin, New York and Mumbai.
Fete De La Musique is more than just an event, its a global movement celebrating the universal power of music. Whether listening or performing, people worldwide unite on June 21st to share the joy of music.
The event is known to transform parks, streets and squares into lively concert venues. Musicians of all genres, from Jazz to Classical to Rock and Hip-Hop, the festival fosters cultural exchange, artistic freedom and community spirit.
The initiative was launched in 1982 by French Minister of Culture ‘Jack Lang’ and Musicologist ‘Maurice Fleuret’, and is open to any participants be they professional or just starting up musicians who wish to perform in this joyful event.